Apply these takeaways → see your enquiries EXPLODE.

Lawn Care Flyer Review

Today, we received a request to review a local lawn care ad. It serves as a perfect example of how over-complicating an advertisement can lead to confusion and ineffective marketing. Let's break it down.

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The Problem with Complexity

In a niche like lawn care, simplicity is key. Complicated ads confuse potential customers, and as I often say, confusion doesn’t sell… and that goes for ANY product or service no matter the price tag. Here's a look at the ad":

While the intention behind the ad is clear, its execution is problematic. Here’s why:

  1. Overcomplicated Message: Instead of simply stating what the service is, the ad uses a tagline that doesn’t immediately convey the core offer.

    - ex: “Making homes one yard at a time.”

  2. Unnecessary Details: The claim of a "100% completion rate" is redundant. If customers are paying for a service, completion is expected.

  3. Multiple Services: Listing various unrelated services can dilute the main message. Stick to one service per ad.

  4. Price Competition: Advertising "lowest prices around" attracts price-sensitive customers who are likely to haggle, even if they can afford to pay more. Competing on price is not sustainable or wise.

Simplifying the Ad

Here's how I would revise this ad for clarity and effectiveness:

Revised Ad:

  • Header: Overgrown Lawn? LAWN MOWING SERVICE

  • Offer: Scratch For $10 Discount! (Include a scratch card offering $10 off)

  • Contact: Phone number and email address

This revised version is straightforward, easy to understand, and focused on a single offer. By incorporating a scratch card for a discount, the ad also adds an element of engagement and incentive without over-complicating the message.

Key Takeaways

  1. Keep It Simple: Always aim for simplicity in your ads. A clear, concise message is more likely to resonate with potential customers.

  2. Focus on One Offer: Each ad should promote a single service or offer. This avoids confusion and makes the call to action clear.

  3. Avoid Price Competition: Don’t attract customers solely based on low prices. Focus on the value and quality of your service instead.

Apply these principles to your ads. They’ll be more effective and your business more successful. Remember, simplicity sells.


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