Are Charlatans ‘HOODWINKING’ Your Customers?

If you’re running Google Ads or SEO to drive traffic to your website, that’s a great start for generating visibility and potential leads. But what happens to those visitors once they leave your site?

Chances are they get HOODWINKED by some other charlatan! A lot of traffic drops off, checks out your competitors, and forgets you faster than that teenage girlfriend you had in college before uni.

Without a proper follow-up system in place, you're missing out on customers.

Next Level Google Ads & SEO ROI with Smart Retargeting Strategy

A key part of maximizing your ad spend is implementing an effective retargeting strategy. This means we show your ads to people who visit your website and leave without making an enquiry or purchasing your product or services.

Typically, these visitors go and shop around, comparing you with competitors. But by retargeting them with ongoing ads, you keep your brand top of mind, reminding them of their initial interest and encouraging them to move forward with your brand.

You’ve probably been a victim of this strategy yourself, where ads seem to "stalk" you around online after you’ve visited a website. It's a proven method to boost conversion rates and make the most of your ad budget. Plus, there's a right way and a wrong way to do it. Most get it wrong, but if you stick to providing value and not being over the top 'salesey' you can make a really effective go of this!

Website Conversion Strategy

We also commonly see opportunities for conversion strategies on websites running Google ads and SEO. You should always ask yourself: Are there areas where you could better capture potential leads? Even small changes can significantly increase the number of visitors who become leads or customers.

Increase ROI With Retargeting

Smart retargeting strategy and optimizing your website for conversions can dramatically increase the ROI from your current advertising efforts. In fact, you could see anywhere from a 2x to 10x improvement in the returns from the traffic you're already generating!

If you’re interested in exploring these strategies further, I’d love to chat with you about how to make your advertising efforts more successful.

As a local Twickenham marketing agency, I’m always eager to connect with others in the community.

Feel free to reach out to me here:


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