How To Win MORE.
This one’s for all you winners out there slayin’ business.
Winning’s nice; Winning more is far better. Wouldn’t you agree? Today I’ll show you how to win more than a pirate who’s woken up on Treasure Island—with ‘The Lost Map’ in hand.
But first, we must talk about market cynicism because every business owner knows X marks the spot ... But for each one who ventures for gold, fifty get shipwrecked in the cynical minds of his would-be customers.
The problem: every business and his pet parrot has an offer; a “sale” … “50% off!” … or “buy 1 get one free.” Offers lurk behind every corner, ready to jump at you like an over-zealous sales zombie on a bender.
So what does this mean for the market?
The Magic Market Mind Reader Device Says:
“I’ve seen this a million times.”
“It looks like everything else.”
“They just want my money.”
… They’ve had enough!
The market’s grown cynical. And rightly so! Who could blame them? And it’s NOT your fault! A better way to reach new customers has simply never existed so abundantly… until now.
So what’s changed?
Introducing: ‘The Low Threshold Offer’. That’s where we grab your prospects by the balls … subtly. Meaning: we don’t start with a gimmicky offer. That’s like a fool rushing into a marriage proposal on a first date. (What happened to getting to know each other first)… So what do we do instead?
Spark a connection
We give prospects something they desire in return for contact info. Why? That’s the easiest way to reel high-interest people into your world (without triggering market cynicism). And once they’re in position…
The key to any successful marketing is the ability to create an emotional connection with your prospects. People will only take action when they're emotionally connected to your message.
—Pedro Martins
We follow up ‘til they buy, die or unsubscribe
Once they have “stepped in” we have permission to follow up forever. Not by being annoying or ‘salesey’. Instead, we build a connection. It doesn’t matter if they buy now or in a few months. Do this right, and they’ll come to you first because they feel connected.
THAT’s how you win more.
You can contact me to action this in your business here.
Sam Terrett
P.S. if you’re cynical about the power of marketing, how about I give you the guide that’s rewriting how it’s done? Download my best client attraction formula: