Dismantle Prospects “Shopping Around” Frame Instantly

Don’t we all ask ourselves time and time again: How to get more clients?

I know WE do… But here’s the real question:

“How do I easily attract more customers to buy my higher-priced products and services?” 

Am I right? Then this article is for you…

To attract more customers for higher priced offers, one vital messaging paradigm is CRUCIAL:

How do I empathise with my customers' special problems and show them that my product/ service/ business is THE solution for them

… Crack this paradigm? 

→ You’ll be well on your way to becoming THAT business in your local area. 

But Albert Einstein famously said, 

“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.” 

The next question becomes “how?!?”:

Craft Empathetic Messaging
That Positions
Your Business As The Solution

To riff on an example Alex Hormozi shared in $100M Offers:

Imagine this: Ace Ventura’s my name. I’m NOT a pet detective. I’m a travelling sales rep for a pet company… dog chew toys, fish food, dog leashes etc… and I sell to other busnesses… Only lately, things haven’t gone so well. I’m doubting my ability to sell. So I pull up Google and type in “how to sell more pet products”.

4 products pop up:

  1. Selling for all your needs

  2. The Salesperson’s guide to sales

  3. The sales person’s guide for travelling salespeople

  4. The travelling B2B salesperson’s guide to selling pet products 

Which one appeals to me (Ace Ventura) the most?

That’s right. Number 4!

And guess which one could demand a higher price? Again, if you guessed number 4, you’re right. 

That’s because we value a solution that is highly specific to our problem more than a general solution. So how do you apply this?:

How To Ensure Customers NEVER Shop Around Again

Remember: people believe they are unique. Custom-made stuff feels “right”. Apply this concept to your marketing messages, and watch a lightbulb flash *on* in your customers head:

“Wow! THIS is for me!”

This is the path to upmarket sales and get more customers, whether you’re a boutique interior designer, architect, doggy daycare… doesn’t matter!

When you speak specifically to your target market, you instantly floor the competition—“SPARK OUT”—in Tyson Fury's famous words, with a lethal uppercut.

I’m no math genius, but this formula clarifies the strategy: 

(Specific message X  Specific problem X Solution) X Marketing channel(s) = More clients and greater profit

I call this The Lolapalooza Effect, but that’s an advanced subject for another day.

Sam Terrett 

P.S. It's one thing understanding all this… it’s a whole other making it work in a campaign. So if you’d like to easily attract more clients, and even more upmarket customers, apply to work with our boutique marketing agency here:


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