Upmarket Positioning For Prosperity & Wealth

If you want prosperity, you need an upmarket product/service targeted at the wealthier customer. 

This has the most generous potential reward ratio. You know that. I know that. Everybody *should* know that.

So why do so many businesses fail here so. damn. badly?!?

I’ll tell. But first, here’s a common objection we see from talking to customers that reveals a misguided belief:

I don’t need marketing because we already have so many customers we’ve practically built a fortress. 

Chrysler once distinguished itself as the only American car maker to … have airbags. It worked for them for a short time. Of course, this USP didn’t have a moat. Competition caught up—and FAST.

The miss guided belief is simple: we are perfectly fine doing what we have always done… and that wouldn’t be bad if these people had a genuinely distinguished offer… but 9 times out of 10 they don’t.

Typically they make two fundamental errors:
1) Competing on price

2) Positioning themselves as “the best”

Couple things here:

1) resting on laurels is NEVER a good idea.
2) Being? PERFECT reason to invest in marketing.

I mean think about it, when else are you going to be able to invest in your business? … When the competition has caught up and its too late?!?

Of course, a Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is not a new term, yet I rarely see a business that actually has one!

Here’s a few ways to think about USP’s

1. A way of to feature your differentials upfront.

2. Communicating a summary of the prime benefits of the business, product, or service.

3. Expressing the theme of your business, product, or service.

There are an endless number of potenital *angles* for your USP: price, product positioning, place, color, size, scent, celebrity endorsement, location, hours of operation, and on and on. 

Yet, even with this extensive list, you might be thinking … *how do I define a USP that appeals to the rich and wealthy?*

Well … first of all, just by having one that *isn’t* A) price or B) “the best”, you’ll typically be ahead. 

But if you need ideas, I’ve got you covered. Introducing:

The Tear It Up Conquests #1: Nailing Your USP For Profit, Consistency & Security

Pre order your copy here: >>>TBC<<<

Or, if you’d rather get this done FOR you, reach out for what is *currently* a free consult here: 



How To Choose An Optimal USP…


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